peoples HELP People Help the People

We don't focus in politics, why wars happen, who's to blame, propaganda and other power games. We only care about one thing, helping our fellow people in need. Too much sorrow and misfortune in our world. Let's try and spread more smiles, happiness and really help.
DONATIONS and other features are already operational and you can use them. Our website is currently in development by AR media and will be launching in its fully complete form, very soon. Already in process of gathering more funds about this.



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Get To Know Us

For decades now, we are observing all charity and donations type of organizations and we realized that none of them are really connected to the people who actually need the immediate help of a fundraiser.
We created PEOPLES HELP to fill that gap!

On our platform, people in need will be actually able to communicate directly with us and place requests for immediate assistance, either financial or other. Our fundraiser campaigns will be held on our website, as well as on popular crowd-funding campaigns.

We probably are the 1st and only platform on the planet to actually give a voice to people in need and as people that we all are, immediately respond, create fundraisers and really be able to help them on the spot. No bureaucracy, no huge organizations where half your funds are absorbed in costs, we help straight where the problem is and help is needed,

People Help the People!

Get In Touch

Please contact us for any questions or collaboration proposals you might have about PEOPLES HELP

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PEOPLES HELP recommends AR media

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